Monday, April 19, 2010

10-1 Twitter- the first coverage of Haiti quakes

In today's world when technology is everything, you see the importance of it and how quickly information can spread in times of chaos like the earthquakes in Haiti. Twitter's slogan on their website is "Discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world" and it is true. The first glimpse of the tragedy came to us through a "tweet" showing us the terrible aftermath over there. I remember when I was a kid and it took me 3-4 minutes to dial onto my AOL service just to browse the internet at speeds that would enrage internet users today. The development of technology and the speed of it plus the unlimited sources to see it whether it be a cell phone, Iphone, Blackberry, laptop, Ipad or a palm pilot no one is far from news. Due to the hysteria going on over there it was hard to get official news crews and footage right after the 7.0 level earthquake struck the nation. Locals started to spread the word via Twitter and that led to the media explosion over the situation in Haiti. It's good to know that people are not being left in the dark on these situations because with technology today you actually have to physically try to not hear whats going on around the world.
-Here is a good video from youtube that goes into detail about how social networking sites have help in Haiti.

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